WAF Young Reviewer - Dance Film Trilogy

8th July 2022

By Sapphire

This short film trilogy had me walking home rethinking the way I look at the environment and how we, as humans, treat each other. 

Colours, the first film I saw, had a wide range of diversity and inclusivity which I feel was what made it so expressive. It made me think about how the way we feel and the way we express those effects the people around us. Every one of our emotions represents a different version of us, and it's important to have control over every version of ourselves. It made me feel understood and made me want to express myself more.

Conversations With Carers was very powerful, especially as I have seen first-hand how caring for someone you love can affect you. The emotion that the actors put into their dances was so open and made me see that being vulnerable is part of being human. I felt that showing what caring is like through dance can make more people understand what it is like and how it effects so many people worldwide.

Ecological Beings was possibly beyond my understanding as it left me slightly confused. However, it did change my perspective on how humans fight against and abuse nature and how really, we should be embracing it. This film made me feel very connected with nature and on the way home, all I could think about was all the nature that is around us constantly and how we need to take care of it.

I would definitely recommend this to my friends and family, as it can really give good life lessons.

Discover Weave Stories (Colours) 

Discover Step Change Studios (Conversations with Carers) 

Discover Element Arts (Ecological Beings)

Meet the WAF Young Reviewers 2022